This (SAE) will be the exact same vanilla game as this one (SSE) but for some of Bethesda's Creation Club Content that will be included in the initial release, then they will constantly throw 'Paid' mods (yep you pay for them) at us which will in turn break SKSE64 just as it did back when they constantly threw 'pay for' mods from the Creation Club at us SSE players up until 2019. Because SKSE can't be used with Game Pass you can't use those mods so if you're a Game Pass owner and you see a few mods you like just make sure they do not require SKSE64 otherwise this guide unfortunately can not support Game Pass. A good number of those mods are for stability and bug fixes. We use SKSE64 in this guide as it is a hard requirement for many mods (a soft req.
You have my sincere thanks for the support We fetch it from our neighbors, we kindle it at home, we communicate it to others, and it becomes the property of all.” ~Voltaire “What we find in books is like the fire in our hearths. The giving back is part of my journey with the community. Being a mod user myself, who learned much from and feels indebted to the community, I am also one of many that help some of you in Steam's Skyrim SE Forums on a daily basis.
I am grateful for having such a great base using this guide which is constantly growing.